Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First Movie at DCU

Can't wait for tomorrow! Going to watch Serenity with the Strange Things Society in DCU. Always loved that movie and can't wait to share it with new like minded people. I just hope they've seen Firefly too, I'm expecting some true Browncoats!

For any of you that don't know, Serenity is a Sci-fi movie made by Joss Whedon. It was origionally the TV show Firefly which only ran for 14 episodes and was canceled as people did not understand the plot. This However was because FOX ran the episodes in the wrong order, and once the show went to DVD there was out roar that it had been canceled in its prime, so much so that Joss whedon was able to make a movie to continue the story! It is possibly the only TV show canceled in its firse season to get a movie deal. The movie is easy enough to get into for people who didn't see the show first, but I do recommend watching the series too!

If you want to check it out be at room QG15 at 6pm and join in the fun!


  1. Heard reviews that they are good movies. Planning on seeing them aswell soon so might go down to QW15 for a visit!
